Three Years a VO!

Where has the time gone?

Next week marks my 3 year work-a-versary as a full-time Voiceover Artist, and I couldn’t be happier with where I’ve got to in that time. As any Voiceover will tell you, it’s a tough industry to break into, sustain, and build on, but, like any creative industry endeavour, if you really want it, you just have to make it work for you.

My background in marketing and social media strategy definitely helped when it came to rebranding as a Voiceover Artist and putting myself out there in front of the right people. But plugging the gaps in my knowledge was the trusty crowd-sourced info on the internet. Resources like Gravy for the Brain, and British Voiceovers group on Facebook were invaluable when I first started out - I learned so much from the webinars, courses and questions posted on both, so if you’re interested in VO and have no idea where to start, GftB is a must!

Industry Recognition

Getting my first award nominations was a great milestone-moment, and really helped me realise that this career move was a good one. I received 3 nominations at the One Voice Awards 2021, 1 nomination at both the Vox Awards 2021 and 2022, and I won Voiceover Artist of the Year at the Prestige Awards (London & South East) 2022 & 2023.

Female voiceover artist laughing while talking to colleagues at an event
Female Voiceover Artist standing in front of logo board, wearing a black cocktail dress
Female Voiceover Artist posing in a blue cocktail dress

Aside from being a nice bit of recognition, Award nominations and wins also cement your credibility and raise your profile. For example, the organisers at the One Voice Awards worked out that receiving one nomination at their awards, puts VOs in the top 4% of the UK VO industry. It’s great to acknowledge this sort of recognition in an industry that otherwise is very hard to track/ measure.

I’ve still got a long way to go and I plan to be part of this industry for many years to come, so each year I set out a realistic plan for what I want to achieve and how I can grow my business.

How do you celebrate your industry anniversaries/ milestones? Let me know in the comments. If you’d like to see some of my award-nominated demos or work, click on the links.


My First SOVAS Nomination!


Getting organised: record a backup during live dial-in sessions