A brief look back at a crazy year

A sense of ‘togetherness’

Can you believe it’s December already? It felt like we blinked after celebrating Christmas and New Year and we’re back here again – I guess that’s the effect of the world as we know it coming to an almost stand-still, thanks to a global pandemic.

As a full-time professional Voice Over Artist, I’m lucky that myself and others in my industry have been able to continue working since this all started back in March. Many studios closed, and lots of companies we would usually get work through had to furlough staff to keep going, but for the majority of Voice Over Artists with Home Studios, the work kept coming in.


 I’m used to working on my own and quite comfortable working from home, but for many it was a bit of a shock to go from a serviced office, fancy coffee and lots of face time with colleagues, to setting up a desk in your kitchen and dealing with kids and pets at home, all whilst trying to learn how Zoom works!

One good thing that has come of this Pandemic is a sense of ‘togetherness’ which I think many of us have felt – we might be apart physically, but we’ve all had to get to grips with new technologies, ways of working, juggling home and work life, and home-schooling and childcare, and I like to think we’ll come out the other side with better skills and experience to carry forward. Hopefully those that preferred remote/ flexible working before all this happened, are now able to actually do so (with less pushback from employers).   

Do you prefer working from home, or do you prefer being back at the office? Have you up-skilled in any way during the lockdowns, or have you enjoyed spending more time at home with your family? I’d love to know – feel free to comment below!


How to set realistic New Year’s Resolutions